Agricultural Machinery
Agricultural Machinery Monitoring
Agriculture is constantly developing and upgrading. In recent years, agricultural machinery has been evolving and modernizing, resulting in constantly rising costs. It is therefore necessary to protect your property by monitoring your agricultural machinery. Alfakom offers innovative solutions that will make your work easier and more productive with smart agriculture systems. This way, you can become more efficient and competitive, saving time and money. Alfakom's vehicle fleet management systems give you the ability to control the overall movement of your fleet. This allows you to better organize your company and increase its productivity, saving time and money. At the same time, you will enhance the safety of both your vehicles and your drivers.
Cargo Transportation
Alfakom provides you with the ability to track loads from their pickup, during their transport and until their arrival at the final destination. You will know exactly the pick-up and drop-off times, the kilometers traveled and the stops made. You will also be able to check the history of the routes, which are marked on the map.

Reports and notifications
You have the ability to monitor comprehensive reports regarding your agricultural activities with Alfakom. You can easily map your fields and learn about the movements of your agricultural vehicles. You will be informed about the entry of agricultural vehicles, the hours they were active there, as well as the completion of their work and their exit from the field. Additionally, you can receive immediate updates on changes in the status of your equipment (switch open/closed).